The following general terms and conditions apply to the current offers, savings or promotions featured on our website, in addition to the offer specific terms and conditions that can be found below.
General terms and conditions for online Discounts & Promotions
All offers are subject to availability, can be changed or withdrawn without notice and will be available for a limited period only. All offers are subjected to availability and prices on our website fluctuate daily (up and/or down) based on availability and seasonal reasons and interest. Offers are only for new sign ups only and cannot be combined with other special promos offers we advertise on our website unless stated.
- Participation in this online discounts & promotions indicates that the customer has read & agreed to the Terms and Conditions specified herein and the Conditions included in our policy.
- ArtSalwa reserves the right to suspend or terminate this online discounts & promotions or alter the terms and conditions stated herein at any time without prior notice.
- All information received during this online discounts & promotions will become the property of ArtSalwa and may be utilized for future or present marketing use.
- By agreeing to participate in this online discounts & promotion, you give consent to ArtSalwa to communicate to you through email and by telephone with further similar offers which may be of interest to you.
- All disputes relating to this Promotion or its Terms & Conditions shall be finally determined by ArtSalwa at its sole discretion. Decisions by ArtSalwa shall be final and binding on users of this Promotion.
- For any other queries to regards on online discounts & promotions, please email to us at